Monday, January 28, 2013


We are working with non-fiction this week and learning a new note taking strategy.  In order to get your brain working in the right direction...
Read for 20 minutes.  Record the title and author of your book below.  Then, write and share one fact from your book with us.
Happy Reading.


  1. Ghost Hauntings by Don Roff

    Fact: Several seances have been done in the White House but more where done during the years
    of Abraham Lincoln.

  2. Tittle The Explorers Guide to Drawing Fantasy Creatures
    Author Emily Fiegenschuh
    Facts: A man chest is three heads wide .

  3. I read some of The Encyclopedia of US Spacecraft by Bill Yenne. It said that Soyuz returned to Earth 40 hours after final separation, but Apollo continued for 217 hours and 28 minutes. This is a fact.

  4. I read Dork Diaries by Rachel Russell. A fact is that she wants a helicopter.

  5. I read The Lost Hero by RICK RIORDAN. One of the facts in this book is Zeus had never had a kid in his life.

  6. I read I Survived by:Lauren Tarshis
    Q HOW MANY people survived?
    A George,phoebe,ant daisy
    Q.A.R Right there

  7. Andie A.
    I am reading Nancy Drew Clue Crew By Caroline Keene. One fact is that there is a petting zoo in the book.

  8. I read How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell and a fact about this book is that Joe and Alan are really good lyres.

  9. Turtles by T Stain
    Fact a turtle can be in swamps rivers and lakes.

  10. How the Rattlesnake Got Its Rattle by Jeff Stoodt.
    The rattlesnake uses the rattle on its tail to scare away other animals.

  11. Percy Jackson Demigod Files
    Rick Riordan
    A fact from my book is that Paul is Percy's step-dad.

  12. Title:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    Author:J.K. Rowling

    Fact:Mr. Weasley likes trying out Muggle stuff.

  13. Thoroughbred Horses by Janet L. Gammie
    Fact - There are three different types of horses: hot bloods, cold bloods and warm bloods. It refers to the horse's birth place not body temperature.

  14. I read Who Is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack. When J.K. Rowling was nine her family moved to Tutshill.

  15. Ana K.

    I am reading Rome by Kevin Supplies. I learned that in Ancient Rome people spoke Latin. Today people who live in modern countries that were part of the Roman Empire speak Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

  16. I am reading The Sea Of Monsters by Rick Riordan. The main character's name is Percy.

  17. T:Big book of why
    F: New horizon spacecraft will reach pluto in 2015

  18. Who Would Win? Killer Whale vs great White Shark by Jerry Pallotta. Great whites use their tail fo speed and steering.

  19. I read pages 1 to 28 of Dive into Sharks by an unknown author. My fact is that the Great White Shark can smell a drop of blood over a mile away.
