Thursday, September 19, 2013

TTS Connection for the Week of 9/25-10/2

We've been making connections with our reading and our lives!

Good readers think while they read.  They notice when characters in the text experience things that they have also experienced.  They notice the way a character is feeling and may relate.  When a character in the book is visiting a place that the reader has been before, it's easy for that reader to get a good idea of what's going on in the story.  
Sometime this week, (9/25-10/2), please practice this skill as you read for 20 minutes of nightly homework.   Then, in the comment section write and tell me the title of the book you read. 
Also, let me and your friends know what connection you made while you were reading.
You can use these sentence stems to help you...That reminds me of…
That made me think of the time…I can relate….

I've gone ahead and shared mine with you as an example.