Thursday, December 8, 2011


We have been learning to infer in class.  Use the inference equation
BK+TC=I to make an inference during your 20 minutes of reading tonight.
In the comment section, leave the title, author, background knowledge, and text clues that helped you make an inference. 
I've create an example to help you:
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
The book told me that Max was sent to bed without anything to eat.  I know that sometimes kids are sent to bed early when they get in trouble.  I can infer that Max's mom must be mad at him.


  1. I read childrens planet earth encyclopedia by Jen the word that I used with text clues was tributaries .

  2. The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief by Geronimo Stilton. "the howling wind threatened to rip my favorite cheese colored umbrella right out of my paw" make me think that it is bad weather.

  3. I read Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner. I can infer that Benny has a great imaganation because he said'' maybe there's ghosts here''.

  4. Dog fancy magazine

    There was this dog and he got in some makeup.

    I can infer that the dog is sneaky

  5. I read Wild Wood stables Playing for Keeps by Suzanne Weyn. I can infer that Taylor might be mad at Jake and i can infer that some friends can get mad at each other.

  6. I am still reading Miss Mary is Scary by Dan Gutman. The book told me Miss Mary looks like a vampire. I can infer that she just dresses funny and is not a vampire.

  7. Title: the ghost`s grave
    Chapter 4
    Author: peg kehret
    they headed to go to there tree house ant ethl said there just was a path . so I can infer that the path was bloked by trees

  8. I raed On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder. One inference I had was that they probally went iceskating on the ice because they said that the lake was frozen and I know that people usually skate on frozen lakes.

  9. I read By The Shores Of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I can infer that ma was scared because her voice was shaking because that means that your'e scared.

  10. I read STAR WARS by Jason Stewart I inferred that it was 10:00 o'clock at night when I read be quit I don't want to wake anybody up

  11. I read navy drew missing by Carolyn Keene. I can infer the t her friend is not very happy and doesn't have much hope


  12. I read Girls Best Friend by Leslie Margolis.I can infer that lots of bad things happened to Maggie because it says in the book that that she was at the pizza din and that was just the begging.

  13. diary of a wimpy kid
    jeff kinney
    the book told me that the kids were not aloud to drink a soda. i can infer that the kids are mad! :(

  14. I read Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney.The book told me that greg will do anything to get something for christmas that he likes.I can infer Santa put him on the naughty list.

  15. I read 2 stories out of my reading comprehension book. Called Spectrum Reading. I read 1 book called Too Many Ideas! I can infer that Mrs. Eller the teacher is feeling happy when she thinks of a solution because if she did not It would be a disaster.

  16. I read Just Grace by Charise Mericle Harper. The book told me And then it was dinnertime and too late to sneak down to see her. I can infer that she likes spying.

  17. today i read the beano . my favrote part was when genasher came out of the knight`s bum.


  19. I read Judy Moody the doctor is in and I can infer that Judy is a nice sister
    because herself and her brother stink were playing together.

  20. The Berenstain Bears gotta dance. By Stan and Jan Berenstein. The book told me that he blushed five shades of red. I know that sometimes people feel embarrassed. I can infer that brother bear was embarrassed.

  21. I read Just Grace Walks the Dog by Charise Mericle Harper. My background knowledge is that my piano teacher tells me to practice my piano at the same time everyday to make practicing easier and be good. My context clue is, "Miss Lois said it's easy to keep a journal if you pick the same time to work on it each day." I can infer that Miss Lois wants to help Just Grace be successful with her journal.

  22. i am reading the cat in the hat the book told me that the cat in the hat tas a tall hat i can infer the hat has colors
